HKUST Digital Display

Digital displays are set up for the HKUST community to publicize events and activities such as conferences, seminars, ceremonies, performances, and exhibitions. MTPC will offer content posting and technical support for a set of dedicated digital displays on campus. These displays include:

Digital Notice Board

Digital Notice Board
Digital Notice Board

Digital Notice Board near E-Board at atrium

Technical Specs for Display Content & Image Input

  • 4 x 65" TV panels; outdoor waterproof and anti-glare
  • Resolution: 3840 x 2160 pixel (16:9, 4K)
  • Content Format: JPG, PNG, PDF (Still); MP4, MOV (Video)
  • Audio output: Mute by default

Content Submission Workflow

  • Email display contents to with proposed display period/duration two working days before the content release date.
  • Still images will be displayed randomly on ALL panels for 30 sec by default. Video will be displayed in full length of content and mute by default.
  • Duration and frequency of content display may vary based on special arrangements and requests.
  • Issue MTPC Work Request for elaborated setup and productions.


  • The Digital Notice Board will operate Mon to Fri from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on working days and on Sat from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. No operation on Sun and public holidays.
  • All HKUST schools, institutes, academic departments, program offices, centers, administrative departments, offices and units are eligible to submit content for display.
  • Student organizations can submit content through DSTO.
  • MTPC will advise on technical issues, if any, to ensure optimal display quality.
  • Users will be responsible for the appropriateness and accuracy of their display contents.
  • All files will be deleted after the display period.
Digital Notice Board

Digital Notice Board near E-Board at atrium

Today's Events

Today's Events 1

Technical Specs for Display Content & Image Input

  • 65" TV touch panel; outdoor waterproof and anti-glare
  • Resolution: 3840 x 2160 pixel (16:9, 4K)
  • Audio output: Mute by default

Content Submission Workflow

  • Content submitted to the online HKUST Event Management system, except MPhil/PhD Thesis Presentation, will be displayed during the event days or period. No extra request required.
  • Content in horizontal format should be in 16:9 aspect ratio.
  • Content in vertical format (special request required) should be at least 1080x1920 pixel (9:16 Full HD) or preferably in 2160x3840 pixel (9:16, 4K).
  • Event’s QR code will be generated automatically by the system and placed at the right-hand bottom corner of the content shown below. Content’s design should be adjusted accordingly.
  • Events without visual will be provided with template background by default.


  • Today’s Events will operate daily from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., including working days and public holidays.
  • Content will display for 30 secs and loop until a user touches the up/down search button.
  • The looping resumes 30 secs after the Today’s Events display is left idle.
  • Event content that lasts for over 7 calendar days will have normal display frequency on the first 3 days and less frequent during the rest of event period.
  • Other operation practice will be the same as the HKUST Event Management system.

Transparent LED at Course Entrance

Transparent LED at Course Entrance

Technical Specs for Display Content & Image Input

  • 2 x transparent LED panels
  • Resolution:
    • Left Panel: 217 (Width) x 512 pixel (Height)
    • Right Panel: 246 (Width) x 512 pixel (Height)
  • Content Format: JPG, PNG, PDF (Still); MP4, MOV (Video)
  • One-sided display facing the Atrium
  • Audio output: Mute by default

Content Submission Workflow

  • Issue an MTPC work request with display requirements
  • Services for content optimization for the specific display size and transparent effect will be provided by MTPC.


  • The transparent LED will operate Mon to Fri from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on working days and on Sat from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. No operation on Sun and public holidays.
  • Users will be responsible for the appropriateness and accuracy of their display contents.


For enquiry and technical support, please contact MTPC at